Forget about FOMO! It’s time to embrace JOMO!
“Oh the joy of missing out. When the world begins to shout And rush towards that shining thing; The latest bit of mental bling– Trying to have it, see it, do it, You simply know you won't go through it;...
Feeling like a ‘non-native’ at work?
There is this beautiful tree in the garden of my sister-in-law. Placed right at the centre its long lush branches almost touch the ground. Its trunk gracefully and timelessly reaching towards the sky. As...
From overwhelm to overview: Harnessing the power of your inner Superwoman
We are living in a time when we are told we can have it all. The career, the body, the family, the enlightenment. So it’s no wonder that many of us are trying to have it all by doing it all. ...
The Mother Archetype at work – the super power most women undervalue
How would you react if you found out that you're bringing a lot of the archetypal Mother energy to work? Would you feel proud and resourceful OR a bit disappointed and less than? If it's the former we'd love to...
Gentle Ambition – Ditch the stereotypes of success, power, influence and leadership
''Do you see yourself fitting into the typical stereotypes of success within the company?'' This is one of the questions asked by Bain & Company in a study that asked more than 1,000 men and women in a mix...
Fear makes for a bad leader
Today I’d like to address a topic that should be taken into consideration before any discussion, action and decision. And especially during these divided times. The topic of taking action from fear. ...
Could your January blues be a sign of boreout?
January! The festive period and all it's highlights, and usually a fair sprinkling of low points, is behind us. And yes, whilst it can be stressful - what with all the decorating of your house, sending Christmas cards,...
Why you end up doing it all and won’t get a THANK YOU for it!
Over-functioning! Do these words mean something to you? Do they remind you of a colleague, family member, yourself? Over-functioners (yes, looks like we just made up a new word!), hyper-achievers and perfectionist. You...
She could not get a word in!
During a recent Azkua community call we discussed the topic of speaking up in meetings. The question was raised by someone who saw herself more of an introvert and who didn't see the point in wrestling herself into a...
When coaching is not enough!
Earlier this year I had the privilege to work with an amazing woman to help her increase her visibility, influence and contribution at work. It became obvious straight away that this woman was highly intelligent, well...