Do you remember to have fun and relax?

Do you remember to have fun and relax?

Do you remember to have fun and relax?   When was the last time you did something simply because you wanted to? Not because you had to? Or because you were told to? When was the last time you had fun and giggled from pure joy? When was the last time you sat down...
Find more balance in the midst of a busy life

Find more balance in the midst of a busy life

Balance? Such an elusive thing in our lives today. It seems that we are all looking for it and yet it seems as difficult to find as the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Could this elusiveness point to the fact that what we’re trying to achieve is...
Rebel against guilt

Rebel against guilt

Rebel against guilt   The ideal scenario Us women (and yes, men do it too), we have developed an ideal scenario of how our life should look like: great satisfying career a loving and supporting partner two adorable kids with a pet in between an impeccable home...