by Manuela Damant | Sep 22, 2022 | Purpose, Soft Power
There is this beautiful tree in the garden of my sister-in-law. Placed right at the centre its long lush branches almost touch the ground. Its trunk gracefully and timelessly reaching towards the sky. As I stood there admiring it my father-in-law said,...
by Manuela Damant | Jan 13, 2022 | Leadership, Purpose
January! The festive period and all it’s highlights, and usually a fair sprinkling of low points, is behind us. And yes, whilst it can be stressful – what with all the decorating of your house, sending Christmas cards, organising presents and arranging to...
by Dovile Corrigan | May 2, 2019 | Confidence
Authentic confidence “I know what I am, and I know what I am not, and both are ok.” — DeAnna Murphy I remember the first time I heard this sentence. It felt so utterly simple, and yet incredibly profound. You know that feeling, when suddenly you...
by Dovile Corrigan | Apr 24, 2019 | Confidence
With free eBooklet for download What does confidence have to do with strengths? you might ask. Quite a lot. According to an ebook published by the Langley group, people who were asked to focus on their strengths increased their performance by 36%. On the other hand,...