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Is all feedback worth the same attention? Have you ever been in a situation where you have received a piece of “advice” that you were just not sure what to do with? In the latest Azkua blog, Manuela Damant was talking...
Could this be the reason your career is not progressing?
Recently we ran a poll during a webinar with the question: Which challenge most relates to women facing a mid career crisis? We gave the participants options between ''you feel stretched too thin'', to ''a lack of...
She’s turning into a real bitch!
One of the empowering side effects of our Gentle Ambition women's leadership programme is that you will start showing up with much more confidence and authority. You become the author of your life and career and start...
She only got promoted because of diversity!
He curiously looked at me across the table and said: ''I'd like to get your input on a situation at work Manuela. You're busy with female leadership, right? Our company has been under pressure from both shareholders...
Forget About “Getting out of your comfort zone”. Maybe It Is Finally Time To Get Back Into It!
Have you fallen blindly for the mantra that everything good happens outside your comfort zone? After all we have been told that again and again. We have been encouraged to step out of our comfort zone in pursuit of our...
Four questions to ask before you leave your corporate career
Here I was, dragging myself to work. At a time I had imagined to be the pinnacle in my early career, an expat role with Shell International, a penthouse flat in Marylebone in London, international business travel and a...
When smart women turn stupid
Have you ever been in a situation like this? You've got a meeting coming up and you already know what you want to say and why. Come said meeting and with all eyes on you, you suddenly become tongue tied, you can't...
Help! At my office it’s not the men. It’s the women!
As a big believer in women supporting each other I frequently get asked how to deal with judgments and criticism from other women in the office. Clients share that other women perceive them as bossy, that they're...
Are You Being a Red Riding Hood?
Most of us grew up on a steady diet of fairy tales. And Red Riding Hood is one many of us know very well. You have been shown the path, told what to do and the only important thing for you to remember is to...
One Career Secret Men Embrace and Too Many Women Shy Away From
Claiming your inner genius. This is the space where your talent meets your competence, energy, passion and results. For the last four years I have been working with individuals and teams on the...